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Comprendre la science, la recherche et le développement de médicaments SDS

Vidéos, brochures et plus

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To learn about the medical and clinical side of SDS, visit our "What is SDS" page.

SDS Science Spotlight Series:
10-minute videos on key concepts in SDS and research


Ask an Expert - Community Chat
Online Monthy Webinar Series

Ask an Expert Community Chat with detail.png
Posted recordings

SDS & Science Snapshot
The blog to keep you in the loop about the latest developments

Partout sur le Web :
Science et médecine pour enfants et adultes

Also check out our Kids' Corner for additional resources for children!

Gènes et héritage
NIH Classroom.PNG
Thérapie génique et CRISPR

The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy has some fantastic resources to help patients understand what cell and gene therapy is. Check out their recourses (videos, graphics, etc) on the Gene Therapy 101 page.

Le système immunitaire
Biologie cellulaire et ribosomes
Sang et cancer du sang / Leucémie
Greffe de moelle osseuse/cellules souches hématopoïétiques
Neutrophiles et Neutropénie
Neutrophils (Science)
Pancréas et digestion
Processus de développement de médicaments
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