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Souhaitez-vous contribuer à la sensibilisation et au financement du syndrome de Shwachman-Diamond ? Vous êtes au bon endroit! Vous trouverez de nombreux outils ici, et nous continuerons à en ajouter d'autres. N'hésitez pas à demander tout ce dont vous pourriez avoir besoin.

La sensibilisation aide à sauver des vies.

  • La sensibilisation du grand public augmente les chances que les familles des patients envisagent de poursuivre un diagnostic plus tôt et bénéficient ainsi de meilleurs soins médicaux

  • La sensibilisation de la communauté médicale aide les prestataires à envisager un diagnostic de SDS plus tôt et leur permet de fournir de meilleurs soins médicaux

  • La sensibilisation de la communauté de la recherche peut attirer plus de projets de recherche et de collaborations, accélérant ainsi le développement de traitements

La collecte de fonds aide à soutenir nos programmes essentiels nécessaires pour permettre et accélérer la recherche.


To participate, candidates must reside in the United States. Eligibility for the program is determined by a brief, easy-to-understand online quiz. Care partners, friends, or family members are encouraged to submit on behalf of their loved one if their loved one cannot complete the Symptom Checker without assistance.


How it works

  • Go to the Symptom Checker website on any internet-connected device. Answer the questions in their entirety. It should only take 5-10 minutes.

  • The Probably Genetic team will thoroughly evaluate your Symptom Checker response to assess your eligibility. This typically occurs within one to two weeks.

  • If you are eligible, you can claim your test, and the lab will send a kit right to your door. Collect a saliva sample and ship it back in the pre-paid box. We can also assist you in scheduling a USPS pick-up.

  • Results are available in 6 to 8 weeks. This test shows all disease-causing mutations related to your reported symptoms, even those that are not immuno-related.

  • If genetic testing is offered, you will have access to post-test genetic counseling with a board-certified genetic counselor. The genetic counseling sessions are virtual and are included at no cost to ensure you can make informed decisions and understand the results.

  • View the status of your Symptom Checker submission and/or test kit through the patient portal. You can download a PDF copy of your genetic report, as well as a file containing your raw genetic data.


Take the Symptom Checker below, or use this link.

The Probably Genetic team is always open to feedback so the program is as successful as possible for this community!

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